BIP | Two ESCE students invited to participate in the Logistic Living Lab in Poland

The students Afonso Gamito and Tomás Candeias, from the Distribution and Logistics Management (GDL) degree, participated in a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) that took place from April 17 to 21 in Wroclaw, Poland.

WSB Merito University organized a Logistic Living Lab L3 program and brought together students from several countries, namely: Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Croatia, Ethiopia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania and Poland. Throughout this week were organized practical activities related to the areas of Reverse Logistics and Sustainability, such as Supply Chain, Environmental Solutions and Smart Cities. It is important to highlight the visit to EkoPartner Recykling, in Lubin, a business partner that operates in waste processing.

Besides being an enriching academic-professional experience, it is essential for the development of soft skills such as teamwork, proactivity and autonomy. Tomás Candeias, 1st year undergraduate, pointed out that: "it was a spectacular week because, besides acquiring knowledge, we developed new skills of working in groups and soft skills. This program also allows us to socialize and work with people from other European countries. I strongly advise you to try it... I really enjoyed it and I'm already looking for another one to do next year!"

The students were accompanied by teacher Boguslawa Sardinha, to whom they dedicated a special thanks because "she accompanied us so well in this new experience".

ESCE/IPS provides several academic experiences to our students and encourages participation in Erasmus through the internationalization of our Community. Another similar activity is the Blended Intensive Program FinChallenge that will take place in September.